Dr.  chem. senior researcher Adriana Mariana BORS
- 24 years of professional activity, from 1.02.2000-present

General Hydraulics Department
Phone: +4021.336.39.91
E-mail: bors.ihp@fluidas.ro

University studies:

  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, 1994-1998;

  • Doctor in the field of exact sciences, specialty Chemistry, title obtained in 2007 at the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest,
    Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science;

  • Master's degree at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, specialization, "Catalysis and heterogeneous catalytic processes",
    1999 - 2001;

  • Master's degree at the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of Energy, specialization, "Environmental Management", 2002-2004;

  • Postgraduate training and continuous professional development program, Exact Sciences, Chemistry field, at the University of Bucharest,
    Faculty of Chemistry, 2000 - 2003;
       > Thesis: Catalytic depollution of gaseous streams with VOC content;

  • Summer School," Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology", Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Masaryk University Brno- RECETOX, EU DG Research-Centre of Excellence for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, "The advances and Trends in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of Persistent, Toxic Substances", 2007;

  • Postgraduate course, University of Turin, Italy - International Programs on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas," Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Management in Mountains", 2011 - 2012.  

Professional career:

> from 25.04.2023- until now, chemist - CS I at INOE 2000- Subsidiary Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute (IHP)
> in the period 19.01.2022- 24.04.2023, chemist - Scientific Researcher first degree (CS I) at ICPE SA Center 3. Servomotors
> in the period 8.03.2018 - 18.01.2022, Scientific researcher chemist grade II (CS II) at ICPE SA, ServomotorsCenter
> in the period 1.02.2000 -7.03.2018, Scientific researcher chemist at the National Research and Development Institute for Environmental Protection - Bucharest, from 1.08.2008 - Scientific Researcher grade III (CS III) and from 7.09.2011 - Scientific researcher grade II (CS II);
> in the period 3.01.2011-31.05.2012, Head of the Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards Department. Global warming;
> in the period 1.06.2012 - 2015 Head of the Natural and Technological Hazards Department;
> in the period 2007-2009 Chemist Expert in Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) at the Association of Environmental Experts;
> in the period 08.09.2009-08.12.2010, Expert auditor, key - Chemistry, "Environmental management systems", Specialist and ISO 14001-Audit checker for TUV Rheinland InterCerc/ TUV Rheinland RO SRL, "System Certification" Department (ISO 14001, ISO 17021, ISO 19011, ISO 9001);  

Professional experience:

In 24 years of career, I have participated in over 100 works/projects/activities of curriculum development and the realization of the infrastructure regarding the research activity and environmental management. Project manager/responsible for research contracts, national programs (CEEX, Nucleu, MENER, ORIZONT 2000, PNCD II, FP7, etc.) and research contracts from the Ministry of the Environment, international projects funded by UNIDO, PHARE, UNDP/GEF, REC, etc.). Experience accumulated in research management programs, socio-economic analyzes aimed at strengthening the capacity for sustainable development of environmental activities, integrated environmental monitoring programs, use of mathematical modeling programs for atmospheric pollutants, management and quality control of environmental factors, control industrial pollution, participation in various scientific sessions and national and international working groups in technical-scientific fields of activity for the environment and environmental biodiversity. 

Responsibilities/working groups at national and international level (selection):

> Expert group on the assessment of the production and use of DDT as well as its alternatives, "Evaluation of national DDT reporting capacities in relation to pathogen vector management strategies", Geneva - Switzerland, 2007-2015;
> Establishing and updating best practices and techniques (BAT and BEP) for CEECCA on the reduction or elimination of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) unintentionally produced by industry - United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Environment Ministry, 2008-2010;
> Inter-ministerial Working Group on Technologies, Mathematical Models and Operational Programs for Emissions Monitoring - NEC Directive and PRIMES, RAINS and GAINS models for air quality and climate change, Center on Integrated Assessment Modeling (CIAM) energy forecasts, requested in IIASA reporting format (International Institute for Applied System Analysis), 2008-2010;
> "Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) Regional Consultative Meeting to Promote Sustainable Medical Waste Management Strategies", Kazan-Tatarstan, 2009;
> Global Alliance for Technology Development and Implementation of Products, Methods and Strategies as Alternatives to DDT for Pathogenic Vector Control, 2014-2017;
> Advisory Council of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (SUERD) - community instrument for macro-regional cooperation of the riparian states, intended for social, economic and territorial development, 2016 - 2020;
> Stakeholder Group on the SHREC project, "The use of renewable energies to support the transaction towards a low-carbon economy", financed by the Interreg EUROPE program, August 2019-July 2023.
> Nominated by the United Nations Environment Program -UNEP and the Government of Romania, member of the expert group for DDT, during September 1, 2007- August 30, 2011 and for the period September 1, 2011 - 2015.
> Nominated by Order of the Environment Ministry, no. 170 of 19.07.2007 regarding the establishment of the organizational structure in order to update the National Action Plan for Environmental Protection, the Working Group "Waste and dangerous chemical substances"   

>>> RDI projects obtained through competition, on a contract/grant basis, in the country / position in projects: Expert, collaborator

> The inventory of combustion installations with a nominal thermal power <50 MW and fixed engines with ignition by spark or compression and the assessment of the contribution of their emissions to the total emissions of atmospheric pollutants", Ctr. No. 22/15.03.2013, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change;
>Twinning Project RO 2002 for the Implementation of the European Union Directives VOC, LCP and SEVESO;
> Updating the National Implementation Plan of the provisions of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) in Romania, Ctr. No. 53/15.06.2011, Ministry of Environment and Forests;
> Air quality assessment with the identification of the main sources of emissions in order to achieve the objectives set out in the national strategy regarding the protection of the atmosphere and the fulfillment of the commitments assumed by the Treaty of Accession to the European Union (2010), Ctr. no. 56/30.11.2010, Ministry of Environment and Forests;
> Evaluation of PCB emissions from socio-economic activities and the database for assessing the impact on the health of the population and the environment, EMPCB, PN II, C/31-072/2007, CNMP, 2007 -2011;  

>>> RDI projects obtained through competition, on a contract/grant basis, abroad- as project manager, Expert, Lecturer, collaborator

> Recovery and advanced utilization of technological waste resulting from the manufacturing processes of electric servomotors - knowledge transfer, ECONANO-ECO, Ctr. type D, no. 11384 /18.06.2018, SMIS code 105558, 2018-2020;
> Environmental impact monitoring of works to improve navigation conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila, km 375 and km 175, Expert: Air quality and noise level monitoring, Ctr. 53/2011, Acronym: ROMOMED, 2011 - 2018;
> Increasing the skills of enterprises and employees in the perspective of sustainable development, in 4 regions North-West, North-East, Center and West, POSDRU/81/3.2/S/59322, 2011-2013;
> Study regarding the identification of the ways to prepare the annual report on the state of the environment in Romania in accordance with the European State of the Environment Report (SOER)", Ctr. 73/01.08.2013, beneficiary Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
> Climate of the Carpathian Region - CARPATCLIM, Harmonization of climate databases from different countries, the spatial area of interest being represented by the Carpathian Mountain chain, 2010-2013 European Commission-Joint Research Center
> Support for enterprises and employees in order to improve skills in the perspective of sustainable development", Management Authority Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development, "POSDRU / 63/3.2/S/41910, 2009-2012, INCDPM Bucharest
> Training and awareness campaigns regarding the potential risks to the environment and population health associated with hazardous substances and waste (TARCHS), EEA-Grants, Program RO 04-Reduction of Hazardous Substances, Ctr. 4836/2015, 2015-2017;
> Heating cable with thermal self-regulation for heating homes and preventing the formation of ice on surfaces adjacent to buildings (SMARTHC), Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-3073, Ctr. 446PED/2020, 26.10.2020 -26.08.2022
> Partnerships for knowledge transfer in the field of "automotive and components industry" and increasing traffic safety - KTAutoComp, INCDMTM Bucharest and ICPE SA - MOSERVEL, for activities in category D - Industrial research and/or experimental development activities (CD)
> Heat Guides Fabricated Using Additive Manufacturing for Enhanced Heat Transfer in Next Generation Electrical Motors (HEATGEM), Investments for your future, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Project no. 651/2021, COP 2014 -2020   

Other involvements:

> Implementation and enforcement of the VOC Directive, Implementation Control and Quality Management, Ro 2002 IB/EN-02
> Development of the National Implementation Plan VOC, 2003-2005
> The advances and Trends in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of Persistent, Toxic Substance, Masaryk University Brno-RECETOX, 2007;
> Promote Strategies for Sustainable Management of Medical Wastes, 2009

Member of professional associations:

- Member of the Balkan Environmental Society BENA;
- Member of the SUERD Advisory Council;
- Member of the ICPE Scientific Society - SSICPE;
- Member of the Global Alliance - alternatives to DDT for the control of pathogenic vectors;
- Member of the "DDT Expert Group to assess the production and use of DDT for disease vector control" - during Sept. 1 2007- Sept 2015.
- Expert Group member "Waste and dangerous chemical substances", in order to update the National Action Plan for Environmental Protection.
- Expert Group Member - Strategies and Analysis of CLRTAP/ EMEP Emission Inventory, Gothenburg Protocol (estimation of emissions for certain atmospheric pollutants regulated by Directive 20001/81/EC as well as for greenhouse gases) 

Visibility (based on WOS):

a total number of 57 articles of which in ISI (NT) journals = 40, a number of NP articles = 29 in ISI journals as lead author and a total number of citations, (without self-citations), NC = 214), IH = 9, cod BrainMap: U-1700-035Y-5893, Orcid: 0000-0003-4928-8159.

Books (selection)

> BORS Adriana, LESNIC Mihai, MEGHEA Aurelia, "Monitoring the emissions of Persistent Organic Pollutants in order to reduce the impact on the environment" - PRINTECH Publishing House 2008, ISBN 978-606-521-178-0.
> Irina MEGHEA, Adriana BORS, "Trends and challenges in the new intelligent, sustainable and inclusive society", PRINTECH Publishing House 2011, ISBN 978-606-521-628-0.
> Adriana BORS, Irina MEGHEA, Alin BORS, "Applications of catalysis in processes of degradation of pollutants from gaseous flows", Electra Bucharest Publishing House, 2013, ISBN 978-606-507-070-7
> Adriana Mariana Bors, Gas permeation through composite membranes, Electra Publishing House, ISBN:978-606-507-114-8, Bucharest, 2020;
> Mircea Stefan, Daniela Simina Stefan, Adriana Mariana Bors, "Retention of heavy metal ions on the clays", Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, ISBN No.: 978-613-9-86427-0, 2018;
> Andreia da Silva Almeida, Adriana Mariana Bors, Daianna P. Costa, et al., Encyclopedia of Insecticides Resistance, Publisher: Koros Press Pub. 2017, ISBN No.: 9781785694202, 2017;
> Alin Gabriel Bors, Gabriela Badea, Adriana Mariana Bors, Ioana Lacatusu, Aurelia Meghea, "Products for dermatological use with antifungal action", ISBN 978-606-507-094-3, Electra Publishing House, Bucharest 2017 


Process and installation for removing volatile organic compounds from gas mixtures, inventors: Vasilie Nikolic si Bors Adriana Mariana, Nr. 121179, Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I, nr. 541, 08.08.2007.  
Eco-friendly emulsion for machining by chip removal and process for preparing the same, Bors Adriana Mariana, Popa Ionel si Mihaly Maria, OSIM Nr. A/00240/20.06.2019 

> Moody International Certification Environmental Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course to conform to the requirements of ISO 14001: 2004 and 19011:2002, certificate by International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) Reference A17228.
> Certificate "Specialist for quality management systems, EN ISO 9001: 2008, TUV Rheinland RO, Training Competence Center, Professional training program, Bucharest 2010.
> Certificate of Completion for the International Training Workshop on Solving Contaminant Problems for a Sustainable Environmental Engineering and Science Concepts, Michigan State University, the Institute of International Health and the Fogarty International Center, March 2012, Bucharest.